Graphene Publication List
Optimization of Graphene infused Natural Rubber Sensing Film and Polydimethylsiloxane for Flexible Pressure Sensor | Vishnukumar Rajandran, “Optimization of Graphene infused Natural Rubber Sensing Film and Polydimethylsiloxane for Flexible Pressure Sensor”, IJNeaM, vol. 16, no. December, pp. 371–383, Dec. 2023. | Graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) | DOI: |
Hypercrosslinked Phenothiazine Polymeras a Low-Costand Durable Organic Cathode for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries | Bildirir, H., Alván, D., Patil, N., de la Peña O’Shea, V. A., Liras, M., & Marcilla, R. (2023). Hypercrosslinked Phenothiazine Polymer as a Low-Cost and Durable Organic Cathode for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries. ACS Applied Polymer Materials. | Reduced graphene oxide and single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWCNT) | |
Fully flexible impedance-based pressure sensing via nanocomposites of polyvinyl alcohol filled with multiwalled carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoplatelets and silver nanoparticles | Sekertekin, Y., Gokcen, D. Fully flexible impedance-based pressure sensing via nanocomposites of polyvinyl alcohol filled with multiwalled carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoplatelets and silver nanoparticles. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 34, 2243 (2023). | Multiwalled CNTs (purity: > 96%, outside diameter: 10–20 nm), GNPs (purity: > 99.9%, size: 3 nm) and Ag NPs (purity: > 99.995%, size: 18 nm) | |
Floroetilenpropilen (FEP)/Grafen Hidrofobik Kaplamaların Üretim Parametrelerinin Optimizasyonu | ÖZAKIN, B., PEHLİVAN, M., & ACER, O. D. (2023). Optimization of Manufacturing Parameters for Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP)/Graphene Hydrophobic Coatings. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Uluslararası Mühendislik Teknolojileri Ve Uygulamalı Bilimler Dergisi, 6(2), 110-117. | Nanosized graphene (5 nm thickness, 30 µm diameter) | DOI:10.53448/akuumubd.1321014 |
Thermal Energy Storage Efficacy and Buffering Effect of Liquid Polyethylene Glycol in Core-Shell Polycarbonate and Reduced Graphene Oxide Fibers | Das, M., Ura, D. P., Szewczyk, P. K., Berniak, K., & Stachewicz, U. Thermal Energy Storage Efficacy and Buffering Effect of Liquid Polyethylene Glycol in Core-Shell Polycarbonate and Reduced Graphene Oxide Fibers. Available at SSRN 4646107. | Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) | |
Effects of graphene doping on shape stabilization, thermal energy storage and thermal conductivity properties of PolyHIPE/PEG composites | Döğüşcü, D. K., Sarı, A., & Hekimoğlu, G. (2024). Effects of graphene doping on shape stabilization, thermal energy storage and thermal conductivity properties of PolyHIPE/PEG composites. Journal of Energy Storage, 76, 109804. | Graphene (size: 3 nm, surface area: 800 m2·g−1, dia: 1.5 μm) | |
Prediction of lap shear strength of GNP and TiO2/epoxy nanocomposite adhesives | Ozankaya, G., Asmael, M., Alhijazi, M., Safaei, B., Alibar, M. Y., Arman, S., ... & Hui, D. (2023). Prediction of lap shear strength of GNP and TiO2/epoxy nanocomposite adhesives. Nanotechnology Reviews, 12(1), 20230134. | GNPs and TiO2 | |
Surface properties of oriental beech wood coated with vegetable oil-based epoxide-amin nanocomposite materials after weathering | Kabasakal, Y., Babahan-Bircan, İ., Baysal, E., Altay, Ç., & Toker, H. (2023). Surface properties of oriental beech wood coated with vegetable oil-based epoxide-amin nanocomposite materials after weathering. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 1-14. | The graphene nanoplatelet (Size: 3 nm S.A: 320 m2/g Dia: 1.5, 99.9%), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (outside diameter: 4–16 nm, 96%), and fullerene C60 (95%) | |
Bioinspired silver nanoparticle-based nanocomposites for effective control of plant pathogens: A review | Kim, D. Y., Patel, S. K., Rasool, K., Lone, N., Bhatia, S. K., Seth, C. S., & Ghodake, G. S. (2023). Bioinspired silver nanoparticle-based nanocomposites for effective control of plant pathogens: A review. Science of The Total Environment, 168318. | AgNPs | |
Experimental investigation of usage of POE lubricants with Al2O3, graphene or CNT nanoparticles in a refrigeration compressor | Dağıdır, K., & Bilen, K. (2023). Experimental investigation of usage of POE lubricants with Al2O3, graphene or CNT nanoparticles in a refrigeration compressor. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 14(1), 1041-1058. | Al2O3, graphene , CNTs | |
Waste-Wood-Isolated Cellulose-Based Activated Carbon Paper Electrodes with Graphene Nanoplatelets for Flexible Supercapacitors | Lee, J. J., Chae, S. H., Lee, J. J., Lee, M. S., Yoon, W., Kwac, L. K., ... & Shin, H. K. (2023). Waste-Wood-Isolated Cellulose-Based Activated Carbon Paper Electrodes with Graphene Nanoplatelets for Flexible Supercapacitors. Molecules, 28(23), 7822. | GnP | |
Prediction of lap shear strength of GNP and TiO2/epoxy nanocomposite adhesives | Ozankaya, G., Asmael, M., Alhijazi, M., Safaei, B., Alibar, M. Y., Arman, S., ... & Hui, D. (2023). Prediction of lap shear strength of GNP and TiO2/epoxy nanocomposite adhesives. Nanotechnology Reviews, 12(1), 20230134. | GNPs and TiO2 | |
Surface properties of oriental beech wood coated with vegetable oil-based epoxide-amin nanocomposite materials after weathering | Kabasakal, Y., Babahan-Bircan, İ., Baysal, E., Altay, Ç., & Toker, H. (2023). Surface properties of oriental beech wood coated with vegetable oil-based epoxide-amin nanocomposite materials after weathering. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 1-14. | The graphene nanoplatelet (Size: 3 nm S.A: 320 m2/g Dia: 1.5, 99.9%), multi-walled carbon nanotubes (outside diameter: 4–16 nm, 96%), and fullerene C60 (95%) | |
Potential use of graphene oxide as an engine oil additive for energy savings in a diesel engine | Can, Ö., & Çetin, Ö. (2023). Potential use of graphene oxide as an engine oil additive for energy savings in a diesel engine. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 48, 101567. | Nano-sized 2D GO sheets with 2–5 layered structures | |
Graphene Oxide/Cholesterol-Substituted Zinc Phthalocyanine | Erden, F. (2023). Graphene Oxide/Cholesterol-Substituted Zinc Phthalocyanine Composites with Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy Properties. Materials, 16(22), 7060. | GO | |
Experimental investigation of usage of POE lubricants with Al2O3, graphene or CNT nanoparticles in a refrigeration compressor | Dağıdır, K., & Bilen, K. (2023). Experimental investigation of usage of POE lubricants with Al2O3, graphene or CNT nanoparticles in a refrigeration compressor. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 14(1), 1041-1058. | Al2O3, graphene , CNTs | |
Effect of graphene nanoplatelet-infused natural rubber film composite on morphology, spectral, and electrochemical properties | Marlinda, A. R., Shalauddin, M., Rajandran, V., Saifizul, A. A., Azam, A. D., & Ahmad, M. I. (2023). Effect of graphene nanoplatelet-infused natural rubber film composite on morphology, spectral, and electrochemical properties. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 34(30), 2053. | Graphene nanoplatelet (99.9%, 3 nm) | |
Fabrication and characterization of graphene-loaded recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate) electrospun composite nanofibrous mats with improved thermal conductivity | Kalaoglu‐Altan, O. I., Karagüzel Kayaoğlu, B., & Trabzon, L. Fabrication and characterization of graphene‐loaded recycled poly (ethylene terephthalate) electrospun composite nanofibrous mats with improved thermal conductivity. Polymer Composites. | GNPs (thickness: 3 nm, size: 1.5 μm) | |
Shape stabilized microcrystalline cellulose/methyl stearate/graphene nanoplatelet composite with enriched thermal conductivity and thermal energy storage/release performance | Hekimoğlu, G., Çakır, E., Sarı, A., Gencel, O., Tyagi, V. V., & Sharma, R. K. (2023). Shape stabilized microcrystalline cellulose/methyl stearate/graphene nanoplatelet composite with enriched thermal conductivity and thermal energy storage/release performance. Cellulose, 1-16. | Graphene nanoplatelet (GnP, purity: 99.9%, size: 5 nm, Surface area: 135 m2/g) | |
Synthesis of graphene/silica composites and its removal efficiency of methylene blue dye from water | Rind, I. K., Sarı, A., Tuzen, M., Lanjwani, M. F., & Saleh, T. A. (2023). Synthesis of graphene/silica composites and its removal efficiency of methylene blue dye from water. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 158, 111507. | Graphene nanoplatelets (GNP; 1.5 μm diameter, 3 nm size, 800 m2/g surface area, 99.9 % purity) and the silicone dioxide ((SiO2 NPs) nanoparticles (spherical. 13–22 nm size, 99.95 % purity) | |
Development of Graphene Based Biosensing Platforms for Label Free Bioelectronic Detection of Pathogenic Microorganisms | Yuksel, S., Yilmaz, F. F., & KARA KADAYIFCILAR, P. Development of Graphene Based Biosensing Platforms for Label Free Bioelectronic Detection of Pathogenic Microorganisms. Available at SSRN 4569135. | Graphene oxide (GO) | |
Preparation of an efficient and selective voltammetric sensor based on screen printed carbon ink electrode modified with TiO2 nanoparticles for Azithromycin quantification | Sopaj, F., Loshaj, F., Contini, A., Mehmeti, E., & Veseli, A. (2023). Preparation of an efficient and selective voltammetric sensor based on screen printed carbon ink electrode modified with TiO2 nanoparticles for Azithromycin quantification. Results in Chemistry, 6, 101123. | Carbon material was modified with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT), Graphene Nanoplateletels (GNPL) and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles - TiO2 NPs (Rutile, High Puritiy: 99.99 %, Size 45 nm | |
Physical and mechanical properties of graphene and h-Boron nitride reinforced hybrid aerospace grade epoxy nanocomposites | Öztürkmen, M. B., Öz, Y., & Dilsiz, N. Physical and mechanical properties of graphene and h‐Boron nitride reinforced hybrid aerospace grade epoxy nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, e54639. | GNP with a surface area of 800 m2g and h-BN powder | |
Shear and Fracture Characteristics of Nano-silica and GNP Hybrid Nanoparticle Reinforced Single Lap Joints | ÖZBEK, Ö. Shear and Fracture Characteristics of Nano-silica and GNP Hybrid Nanoparticle Reinforced Single Lap Joints. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 13(3), 1970-1982. | Graphene nanoplatelet | |
Damage analysis of Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures using image processing and artificial intelligence approaches | Demirci, I., & Saritas, I. Damage analysis of Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures using image processing and artificial intelligence approaches. Polymer Composites. | GNPs, purity of 99.9%, a diameter of 18 μm, and a surface area of 170 m2/g. | |
A phenazine-based conjugated microporous polymer as high performing cathode for aluminium-organic batteries | Luzanin, O., Alván, D., Liras, M., Dominko, R., Patil, N., Bitenc, J., & Marcilla, R. (2023). A phenazine-based conjugated microporous polymer as high performing cathode for aluminium-organic batteries. Faraday Discussions. | Reduced graphene oxide | DOI: 10.1039/D3FD00132F |
Multigenerational Effects of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles on Acheta domesticus DNA Stability | Flasz, B., Ajay, A. K., Tarnawska, M., Babczyńska, A., Majchrzycki, Ł., Kędziorski, A., ... & Augustyniak, M. (2023). Multigenerational Effects of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles on Acheta domesticus DNA Stability. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(16), 12826. | Graphene oxide (GO) | |
Chemically Activated Spruce Organosolv Lignin as a Carbocatalyst for Heterogeneous Oxidative Dehydrogenations in the Liquid Phase | Lenarda, A., Melchionna, M., Aikonen, S., Montini, T., Fornasiero, P., Hu, T., ... & Helaja, J. (2023). Chemically Activated Spruce Organosolv Lignin as a Carbocatalyst for Heterogeneous Oxidative Dehydrogenations in the Liquid Phase. ACS catalysis, 13, 11362-11375. | Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) | |
Experimental investigations of aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles on properties of cementitious composites using macro and micro scale tests | Şimşek, B., Uygunoğlu, T., Uğur, M., Ceran, Ö. B., & Dilmaç, Ö. F. (2023). Experimental investigations of aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles on properties of cementitious composites using macro and micro scale tests. Construction and Building Materials, 401, 132955. | AHNPs , GNPs and industrial grade MWCNT | |
Investigation of the synergetic effect of hybrid fillers of hexagonal boron nitride, graphene nanoplatelets and short basalt fibers for improved properties of polyphenylene sulfide composites | Aslan, C., & Karsli, N. G. (2023). Investigation of the synergetic effect of hybrid fillers of hexagonal boron nitride, graphene nanoplatelets and short basalt fibers for improved properties of polyphenylene sulfide composites. Polymer Bulletin, 1-24. | Graphene nanoplatelets (average diameter: 1.5 μm, thickness: 3 nm, purity: 99.9%, specific surface area: 800 m2/g) | |
Nanographene-Doped Chalcone Derivatives of Dioxybiphenyl-Bridged Dispirocyclotriphosphazenes: Synthesis, Electrical Properties, and DFT Calculations | Sirka, L., Biryan, F., Çalışkan, E., Akman, F., Koran, K., & Görgülü, A. O. (2023). Nanographene‐Doped Chalcone Derivatives of Dioxybiphenyl‐Bridged Dispirocyclotriphosphazenes: Synthesis, Electrical Properties, and DFT Calculations. ChemistrySelect, 8(28), e202300962. | Nanographene (99.9 %, 5 nm) | |
The synthesis of MgO and MgO-graphene nanocomposite materials and their diode and photodiode applications | Bozkurt Yildirim, G., & Daş, E. (2023). The Synthesis of MgO and MgO-Graphene Nanocomposite Materials and Their Diode and Photodiode Applications. Physica Scripta. | Graphene (purity: 99.9%, size: 3 nm surface area: 800 nm, and diameter: 1.5 μm) | 10.1088/1402-4896/ace249 |
Fabrication of 3D-printed graphene/polylactic acid and carbon nanofiber/polylactic acid electrodes: New solvent-free electrochemical activation method for hydrogen evolution reactions | Ateş, S., & Aydın, E. B. Fabrication of 3D-printed graphene/polylactic acid and carbon nanofiber/polylactic acid electrodes: New solvent-free electrochemical activation method for hydrogen evolution reactions. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, e54348. | Graphene nanoplatelet (99.9%, size 5 nm, dia 7 μm) and CNF (purity: >96%, diameter 190–590 nm) | |
Electrical and mechanical properties of reduced graphene oxide/CuCrZr composites | Kul, M., Kurt, N., Yartasi, E., & Erden, F. (2023). Electrical and mechanical properties of reduced graphene oxide/CuCrZr composites. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. |
Reduced graphene oxide and ZrH4 powders | |
Carbon fiber reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites: Investigation the effects of graphene nanoplatelet and coupling agent addition | Karsli, N. G. (2023). Carbon fiber reinforced poly (lactic acid) composites: Investigation the effects of graphene nanoplatelet and coupling agent addition. Journal of Elastomers & Plastics, 00952443231183141. | GnPs | |
Synthesis and characterization of bulk mechanical properties of a bio-based resin filled by graphene nanoplatelets and cellulose nanocrystals | Tserpes, K., Lagkousi, S., Tourountzi, E., & Floros, G. (2023, June). Synthesis and characterization of bulk mechanical properties of a bio-based resin filled by graphene nanoplatelets and cellulose nanocrystals. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2526, No. 1, p. 012056). IOP Publishing. | Graphene NanoPlatelets (GNPs) and Cellulose NanoCrystals (CNCs) | doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2526/1/012056 |
Optimization of thermal and hydraulic characteristics of a heat exchanger tube using ternary hybrid nanofluids with various configurations | Keklikcioglu, O. (2023). Optimization of thermal and hydraulic characteristics of a heat exchanger tube using ternary hybrid nanofluids with various configurations. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1-13. | GnP and Fe3O4 | |
Electrochemical reforming of a fusel oil stream from the winery industry: New insights for a circular economy based on renewable hydrogen | Serrano-Jiménez, J., de Lucas-Consuegra, A., Sánchez, P., Romero, A., & de la Osa, A. R. (2023). Electrochemical reforming of a fusel oil stream from the winery industry: New insights for a circular economy based on renewable hydrogen. Fuel, 350, 128728. | Graphene nanoplatelets (purity 99.9 %, particle size 1.5 µm). | |
Çözücü Değiştirme Yöntemi ile Poli (eter eter keton) (PEEK) Kompozitlerinin Üretilmesi | DEMİREL, M. Ö. Çözücü Değiştirme Yöntemi ile Poli (eter eter keton)(PEEK) Kompozitlerinin Üretilmesi. Makina Tasarım ve İmalat Dergisi, 21(1), 43-49. | Grafen nanolevha | |
Fused Filament Fabricated Poly(lactic acid) Parts Reinforced with Short Carbon Fiber and Graphene Nanoparticles with Improved Tribological Properties | Al Abir, A., Chakrabarti, D., & Trindade, B. (2023). Fused Filament Fabricated Poly (lactic acid) Parts Reinforced with Short Carbon Fiber and Graphene Nanoparticles with Improved Tribological Properties. Polymers, 15(11), 2451. | GNP (purity 99.9% and density of 2 g/cm3) with an average thickness of 5 nm and a length of 30 μm | |
Effect of using Al2O3 / TiO2 hybrid nanofluids on improving the photovoltaic performance | Murtadha, T. K. (2023). Effect of using Al2O3/TiO2 hybrid nanofluids on improving the photovoltaic performance. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 47, 103112. | Graphene, fullerene and carbon nanotubes | |
Coating graphene nanoplatelets onto carbon fabric with controlled thickness for improved mechanical performance and EMI shielding effectiveness of carbon/epoxy composites | Mutlu, G., Yıldırım, F., Ulus, H., & Eskizeybek, V. (2023). Coating graphene nanoplatelets onto carbon fabric with controlled thickness for improved mechanical performance and EMI shielding effectiveness of carbon/epoxy composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 284, 109271. | Exfoliated graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) with 5–10 nm average thickness, 120 m2/g specific surface area, and 5–10 μm average diameter | |
Surface Area of Graphene Governs Its Neurotoxicity | Taşdemir, S., Morçimen, Z. G., Doğan, A. A., Görgün, C., & Şendemir, A. (2023). Surface Area of Graphene Governs Its Neurotoxicity. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. | Graphene with two different surface areas (150 and 750 m2/g) | |
The technological properties of particleboards manufactured with nano additive melamine-formaldehyde adhesive | Uğur, A. R. A. S., & KALAYCIOĞLU, H. (2023). The technological properties of particleboards manufactured with nano additive melamine-formaldehyde adhesive. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1), 139-147. | Graphene Nanoplatelet (GNP) | |
Surface Modification of Pure Mg for Enhanced Biocompatibility and Controlled Biodegradation: A Study on Graphene Oxide (GO)/Strontium Apatite (SrAp) Biocomposite Coatings | Yigit, O., Gurgenc, T., Dikici, B., Kaseem, M., Boehlert, C., & Arslan, E. (2023). Surface Modification of Pure Mg for Enhanced Biocompatibility and Controlled Biodegradation: A Study on Graphene Oxide (GO)/Strontium Apatite (SrAp) Biocomposite Coatings. Coatings, 13(5), 890. | Graphene oxide (purity 99.8% | |
Effects of graphene nanoplatelets dispersion on the morphology of polymer nano-composites | Omowole, A. A., Afolabi, D. I., Grace, K. K. M., Wilson, M. R., & Deborah, A. F. (2023, April). Effects of graphene nanoplatelets dispersion on the morphology of polymer nano-composites. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2769, No. 1). AIP Publishing. | Graphene Nanoplatelets | |
CuCr NLDH-Graphene oxide blended polyvinyl chloride ultrafiltration membrane with improved permeability and antifouling behavior | Mehrabani, S. A. N., Rad, T. S., Vatanpour, V., Khataee, A., Kaya, M., Zeytuncu, B., & Koyuncu, I. (2023). CuCr NLDH-Graphene oxide blended polyvinyl chloride ultrafiltration membrane with improved permeability and antifouling behavior. Separation and Purification Technology, 317, 123931. | GO nanosheets | |
Graphene oxide in palladium nanoparticle (GrafeoPlad): a new class of catalytic materials for heterogeneous catalysis | Formenti, M., Pagliaro, M., Della Pina, C., & Ciriminna, R. (2023). Graphene oxide in palladium nanoparticle (GrafeoPlad): a new class of catalytic materials for heterogeneous catalysis. | Graphene oxide (GO, 8 mg/mL | DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-hw1tj [opens in a new tab]open_in_new |
Reinforcement of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement with glass fiber and graphene oxide | Sari, F., & Ugurlu, M. (2023). Reinforcement of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement with glass fiber and graphene oxide. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 142, 105850. | Single-layer graphene oxide of 99.5% purity and 1 nm size | |
Align MWCNT/GNPs/PDMS based nanocomposite dry ECG electrodes for ECG recordings | Öner, H., & Yüce, H. (2023). Align MWCNT/GNPs/PDMS based nanocomposite dry ECG electrodes for ECG recordings. Journal of Mechatronics and Artificial Intelligence in Engineering. | AMWCNTs and GNPs | |
Effects of Dispersion of Graphene Nanoplatelets on the Improvement of Thermal Properties and Morphology of Polymer Nano-Composites | Adeodu, A., Daniyan, I. A., Bello, K. A., Funmilayo, A. D., Adelowo, O., & Ikubanni, P. (2023, April). Effects of Dispersion of Graphene Nanoplatelets on the Improvement of Thermal Properties and Morphology of Polymer Nano-Composites. In 2023 International Conference on Science, Engineering and Business for Sustainable Development Goals (SEB-SDG) (Vol. 1, pp. 1-8). IEEE. | GNPs | DOI: 10.1109/SEB-SDG57117.2023.10124543 |
Synthesis Cobalt Complexed Single Chain Polymer and its Nanographene-based Composites, Electrical, Optical, and Thermal properties | Zebari, O. I. H., DEMİRELLİ, K., Zeebaree, S. Y. S., & Tuncer, H. (2023). Synthesis Cobalt Complexed Single Chain Polymer and its Nanographene-based Composites, Electrical, Optical, and Thermal properties. | Graphene nanoplatelets | |
Fabrication and performance evaluation of graphene-supported PtRu electrocatalyst for high-temperature electrochemical hydrogen purification | Bal, İ. B., Durmuş, G. N. B., & Devrim, Y. (2023). Fabrication and performance evaluation of graphene-supported PtRu electrocatalyst for high-temperature electrochemical hydrogen purification. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. | Graphene Nanoplatelet (GNP) | |
Effect of Using Co-Mixing Nanofluid on Improving the Photovoltaic Performance in Comparison with that for Al2o3 and Tio2 Nanofluids | Murtadha, T. K. Effect of Using Co-Mixing Nanofluid on Improving the Photovoltaic Performance in Comparison with that for Al2o3 and Tio2 Nanofluids. Available at SSRN 4401383. | Graphene, fullerene and carbon nanotubes | |
Hybrid based on Phenazine Conjugated Microporous Polymer as a High-Performance Organic Electrode in Aqueous Electrolytes | Alván, D., Grieco, R., Patil, N., Mavrandonakis, A., Liras, M., & Marcilla, R. (2023). Hybrid based on Phenazine Conjugated Microporous Polymer as a High‐Performance Organic Electrode in Aqueous Electrolytes. Batteries & Supercaps, 6(5), e202300023. | Reduced graphene oxide and single-walled carbon nanotubes | |
Viscosity of graphene in lubricating oil, ethylene glycol and glycerol | Bao, J., Heyd, R., Régnier, G., Ammar, A., & Peixinho, J. (2023). Viscosity of graphene in lubricating oil, ethylene glycol and glycerol. | The graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) | |
Electro-reforming of bioethanol produced by sugar fermentation on a Pt-Ni anodic catalyst supported on graphene nanoplatelets | Serrano-Jiménez, J., de la Osa, A. R., Rodríguez-Gómez, A., Sánchez, P., Romero, A., & de Lucas-Consuegra, A. (2023). Electro-reforming of bioethanol produced by sugar fermentation on a Pt-Ni anodic catalyst supported on graphene nanoplatelets. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(3), 109703. | The graphene nanoplatelets (purity 99.9%, particle size 1.5 µm). | |
Life Cycle Assessment and Cumulative Energy Demand Analyses of a Photovoltaic/Thermal System with MWCNT/Water and GNP/Water Nanofluids | Dolgun, G. K., Koşan, M., Kayfeci, M., Georgiev, A. G., & Keçebaş, A. (2023). Life Cycle Assessment and Cumulative Energy Demand Analyses of a Photovoltaic/Thermal System with MWCNT/Water and GNP/Water Nanofluids. Processes, 11(3), 832. | GNP and MWCNT nanoparticles | |
An Electrolyte-Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Detection of Gadolinium(III) in Aqueous Media | Gadroy, C., Boukraa, R., Battaglini, N., Le Derf, F., Mofaddel, N., Vieillard, J., & Piro, B. (2023). An Electrolyte-Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistor for Detection of Gadolinium (III) in Aqueous Media. Biosensors, 13(3), 363. | GO powder | |
Tuned CuCr layered double hydroxide/carbon-based nanocomposites inducing sonophotocatalytic degradation of dimethyl phthalate | Rad, T. S., Yazici, E. S., Khataee, A., Gengec, E., & Kobya, M. (2023). Tuned CuCr layered double hydroxide/carbon-based nanocomposites inducing sonophotocatalytic degradation of dimethyl phthalate. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 95, 106358. | GO | |
Thermal performance analysis of aluminum, copper, and graphene nanoplatelets-doped nanocomposite heat sinks manufactured via stereolithography | Şevik, S., Çiçek, B., Özdilli, Ö., Aydoğmuş, T., & Özer, Z. (2023). Thermal performance analysis of aluminum, copper, and graphene nanoplatelets-doped nanocomposite heat sinks manufactured via stereolithography. Applied Thermal Engineering, 226, 120315. | Aluminum nano-powder (nano-Al), copper nano-powder (nano-Cu), and graphene nano-platelets (GnPs) | |
Influential antimony removal from Aquatic Solution using Graphene Nanoplatelet/ Staphylococcus aureus as Novel Composite Adsorbent | Rind, I. K., Sarı, A., Tuzen, M., Lanjwani, M. F., Karaman, I., & Saleh, T. A. (2023). Influential antimony removal from aquatic solution using graphene nanoplatelet/staphylococcus aureus as novel composite adsorbent. Surfaces and Interfaces, 38, 102765. | GNP (purity: 99.9%) | |
The Effect of Graphene on the Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/Zinc Borate Polymer Composite | TAŞDEMİR, M., & ULUTAŞ, E. (2023). The Effect of Graphene on the Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)/Zinc Borate Polymer Composite. | %99.9 saflıkta olup kalınlık 5 nanometre, yüzey alanı 135 m2 /g, çap 7 µm ve yoğunluğu ise 2.27 g/cm3 Grafen | DOI: 10.29109/gujsc.1237516 |
Reinforcement of Resin-Modified Glass-Ionomer Cement with Glass Fiber and Graphene Oxide | Ugurlu, M., & Sarı, F. Reinforcement of Resin-Modified Glass-Ionomer Cement with Glass Fiber and Graphene Oxide. Available at SSRN 4372928. | Single-layer graphene oxide of 99.5% purity and 1 nm | |
Heat Transfer Enhancement by Hybrid Nano Additives—Graphene Nanoplatelets/Cellulose Nanocrystal for the Automobile Cooling System (Radiator) | Yaw, C. T., Koh, S. P., Sandhya, M., Kadirgama, K., Tiong, S. K., Ramasamy, D., ... & Tan, C. H. (2023). Heat Transfer Enhancement by Hybrid Nano Additives—Graphene Nanoplatelets/Cellulose Nanocrystal for the Automobile Cooling System (Radiator). Nanomaterials, 13(5), 808. | Graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) | |
A high performance all-polymer symmetric faradaic deionization cell | Fombona-Pascual, A., Patil, N., García-Quismondo, E., Goujon, N., Mecerreyes, D., Marcilla, R., ... & Lado, J. J. (2023). A high performance all-polymer symmetric faradaic deionization cell. Chemical Engineering Journal, 461, 142001. | Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) | |
A Comparative Study of Different Poly (Lactic Acid) Bio-Composites Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Casting for Tribological Applications | Abir, A. A., & Trindade, B. (2023). A Comparative Study of Different Poly (Lactic Acid) Bio-Composites Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Casting for Tribological Applications. Materials, 16(4), 1608. | GNP (density of 2 g/cm3) fillers | |
Assessment of Thermophysical Properties of Hybrid Nanoparticles [Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) and Cellulose Nanocrystal (CNC)] in a Base Fluid for Heat Transfer Applications | Sandhya, M., Ramasamy, D., Kadirgama, K., Harun, W. S. W., & Saidur, R. (2023). Assessment of Thermophysical Properties of Hybrid Nanoparticles [Graphene Nanoplatelets (GNPs) and Cellulose Nanocrystal (CNC)] in a Base Fluid for Heat Transfer Applications. International Journal of Thermophysics, 44(4), 55. | Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) | |
Scalable synthesis of nitrogen and nitrogen–silicon co-doped graphene: SiC4 and SiN1C3 as new active centers for boosting ORR performance | Sungur, B., Kızıl, Ç., & Bayram, E. (2023). Scalable synthesis of nitrogen and nitrogen–silicon co-doped graphene: SiC4 and SiN1C3 as new active centers for boosting ORR performance. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(46), 17512-17525. | Graphene (purity 99.9%, surface area: 530 m2/g, size 3 nm, Diameter, 1.5 μ) | |
Mechanical and tribological characterization of graphene nanoplatelets/Al2O3 reinforced epoxy hybrid composites | Kaykılarlı, C., Yeprem, H. A., & Uzunsoy, D. (2023). Mechanical and tribological characterization of graphene nanoplatelets/Al2O3 reinforced epoxy hybrid composites. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 31(5), 435-447. | GNP powders | |
The synergistic effect of hybrid nano-silica and GNP additives on the flexural strength and toughening mechanisms of adhesively bonded joints | Çakır, M. V. (2023). The synergistic effect of hybrid nano-silica and GNP additives on the flexural strength and toughening mechanisms of adhesively bonded joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 122, 103333. | Graphene nanoplatelets | |
Synthesis and characterization of PVA-based binary-gel electrolytes including massive ions | Öztürk, T. P., Gelir, A., Keshtiban, N. A., Yargı, Ö., Özdemir, O. B., Mucur, S. P., & Seçgin, A. (2023). Synthesis and characterization of PVA-based binary-gel electrolytes including massive ions. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 27(4), 885-894. | Graphene sheets | |
Investigation of some physical and mechanical properties of wood coated with plant-oil based epoxide nanocomposite materials | Kabasakal, Y., Baysal, E., Babahan-Bircan, I., Altay, Ç., & Toker, H. (2023). Investigation of some physical and mechanical properties of wood coated with plant-oil based epoxide nanocomposite materials. Progress in Organic Coatings, 176, 107383. | Graphene nanoplatelet (Size: 3 nm S.A: 320 m2/g Dia: 1.5, 99.9 %), fullerene C60 (95 %), and multi walled carbon nanotubes | |
Fabrication a novel ethylenediamine sulfonamide polymer resin and graphene-modified carbon paste electrodes for simultaneous determination of anti-HBV drugs entecavir and tenofovir in dosage form by differential pulse voltammetry | Asfoor, A., Aydoğmuş, Z., & Senkal, B. F. (2024). Fabrication a novel ethylenediamine sulfonamide polymer resin and graphene-modified carbon paste electrodes for simultaneous determination of anti-HBV drugs entecavir and tenofovir in dosage form by differential pulse voltammetry. Journal of Research in Pharmacy, 28(3), 579–602. |
Graphene nanoplatelets (Gr; 5-10 nm; specific surface area 750 m2/g; diameter 5-10μm) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT; for general purposes) |
Doi Numarası: 10.29228/jrp.720 |
A self-powered photoelectrochemical and non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on ERGO/ZnONWs/CdS photoanode | Gür, E. P., Yılmaz, Z. S. B., Dinç, S., & Demir, Ü. (2024). A self-powered photoelectrochemical and non-enzymatic glucose sensor based on ERGO/ZnONWs/CdS photoanode. Electrochimica Acta, 501, 144825. |
Graphene oxide (GO, 2.0 mgmL−1) | |
Graphene-based material supports for Ni- and Ru- catalysts in CO2 Hydrogenation: ruling out performances and impurity role | Ebrahim Atakoohi, S., Riani, P., Spennati, E., Savio, L., Vattuone, L., De Maron, J., Garbarino, G., Atakoohi, S. E., & Savio, L. (2024). Graphene-based material supports for Ni- and Ru- catalysts in CO2 Hydrogenation: ruling out performances and impurity role. ChemSusChem, e202400993. | Graphene nanoplatelet (99.9% purity), reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO, 99% purity) | |
Thermal energy storage performance of liquid polyethylene glycol in core–shell polycarbonate and reduced graphene oxide fibers | Das, M., Ura, D.P., Szewczyk, P.K. et al. Thermal energy storage performance of liquid polyethylene glycol in core–shell polycarbonate and reduced graphene oxide fibers. Adv Compos Hybrid Mater 7, 123 (2024). | Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with a surface area 1562 m2 g−1 (size ranges from 4 to 5 µm) | |
Thermal energy storage performance of liquid polyethylene glycol in core–shell polycarbonate and reduced graphene oxide fibers | Das, M., Ura, D.P., Szewczyk, P.K. et al. Thermal energy storage performance of liquid polyethylene glycol in core–shell polycarbonate and reduced graphene oxide fibers. Adv Compos Hybrid Mater 7, 123 (2024). | Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with a surface area 1562 m2 g−1 (size ranges from 4 to 5 µm) | |
Effect of Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet Dispersion on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aviation Epoxy Laminated Composite | Bilgi, C., Demir, B., Aydın, H., Üstün, B., & Kurtan, Ü. (2024). Effect of Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet Dispersion on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Hybrid Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aviation Epoxy Laminated Composite. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 129702. | Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) | |
Development of a Flexible Porous GNP-PDMS Composite: Tunable Thermal and Electrical Properties for Novel Applications | Hejazi, MA., Trabzon, L. Development of a Flexible Porous GNP-PDMS Composite: Tunable Thermal and Electrical Properties for Novel Applications. Appl Compos Mater (2024). | graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) with a diameter of 24 μm, thickness of 6 nm, and specific surface area of 150 m2/g | |
Failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints using a modulatory damage model | Khabaz-Aghdam, A., Dizaji, S. A., Choupani, N., & da Silva, L. F. M. (2024). Failure analysis of adhesively bonded joints using a modulatory damage model. Engineering Failure Analysis, 163, 108602. | Reduced graphene oxide powder | |
Increasing the Production of High-Quality Graphene Nanosheet Powder: The Impact of Electromagnetic Shielding of the Reaction Chamber on the Tiago Torch Plasma Approach | Morales-Calero, Francisco Javier and Cobos-Luque, Antonio and Blázquez-Moreno, Jesús Manuel and Raya, Andrés María and Rincón, Rocío and Muñoz, José and Benítez, Almudena and Mendoza-González, Norma Yadira and Alcusón, Jorge Alberto and Caballero, Alvaro and Calzada, María Dolores, Increasing the Production of High-Quality Graphene Nanosheet Powder: The Impact of Electromagnetic Shielding of the Reaction Chamber on the Tiago Torch Plasma Approach. Available at SSRN: or | Commercial graphene nanoplates | |
Composites of Titanium–Molybdenum Mixed Oxides and Non-Traditional Carbon Materials: Innovative Supports for Platinum Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells | Ayyubov, I., Tálas, E., Borbáth, I., Pászti, Z., Silva, C., Szegedi, Á., Kuncser, A., Yazici, M. S., Sajó, I. E., Szabó, T., & Tompos, A. (2024). Composites of Titanium–Molybdenum Mixed Oxides and Non-Traditional Carbon Materials: Innovative Supports for Platinum Electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells. Nanomaterials, 14(12), 1053. |
Graphene nanoplatelets (GNP, 750 m2/g | |
Investigation of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Al7075-Al2O3-GNPs Hybrid Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy and Induction Hot Pressing | Işik, E., Taşkin, A. & Şenel, M.C. Investigation of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Al7075-Al2O3-GNPs Hybrid Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy and Induction Hot Pressing. J. of Materi Eng and Perform (2024). | Al7075 aluminum alloy, Al2O3, and graphene powders | |
Graphene oxide in palladium nanoparticle (GrafeoPlad): A new class of functional materials | Formenti, M., Pagliaro, M., Della Pina, C., & Ciriminna, R. (2024). Graphene oxide in palladium nanoparticle (GrafeoPlad): A new class of functional materials. Green Synthesis and Catalysis. |
Aqueous solution of GO (8 mg/mL | |
Tribological Behaviours of Fe-Graphene Composites | Bektas, S., Akif Erden, M., Nusret Tanrıverdi, A., & Akgul, Y. (n.d.). Tribological Behaviours of Fe-Graphene Composites. |
Graphene nanoplatelets (5-8 nm diameters and 750 m2 /g surface areas) and graphite powder (%96.5 purity andUDCS'19 Fourth International Iron and Steel Symposium | |
Physical, mechanical, and surface properties of Oriental beech coated with bio-based epoxide nano-coatings after weathering | Altay, Ç., Babahan-Bircan, İ., Toker, H. et al. Physical, mechanical, and surface properties of Oriental beech coated with bio-based epoxide nano-coatings after weathering. J Coat Technol Res (2024). | Fullerene C60 (95%) and multiwall carbon nanotubes (outside diameter: 4–16 nm, 96%) as well as the graphene nano-platelet (size: 3 nm) | |
The Effect of Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet Dispersion on the Physical Properties of Carbon FiberReinforced Aviation Epoxy Composite | Bilgi, Cahit and DEMİR, Bilge and Aydın, hamie and KURTAN, Ümran and Üstün, Burcu, The Effect of Functionalized Graphene Nanoplatelet Dispersion on the Physical Properties of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Aviation Epoxy Composite. Available at SSRN: or | GNPs and SDS | |
Boosting the Electrolysis of Monosaccharide-Based Streams in an Anion-Exchange Membrane Cell | Serrano-Jiménez, J., Osa, A. R. de la, Sánchez, P., Romero, A., & Lucas-Consuegra, A. de. (2024). Boosting the Electrolysis of Monosaccharide-Based Streams in an Anion-Exchange Membrane Cell. Energy & Fuels. |
GNPs used as the anodic catalyst support | |
A High Performing Conjugated Microporous Polymer Cathode for Practical Sodium Metal Batteries Using an Ammoniate as Electrolyte | Ruiz-Martinez, D., Grieco, R., Liras, M., Patil, N., & Marcilla, R. (2024). A High Performing Conjugated Microporous Polymer Cathode for Practical Sodium Metal Batteries Using an Ammoniate as Electrolyte. Advanced Energy Materials, 2400857. | Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs | |
Adjustable dielectric and bioactivity characteristics of chitosan-based composites via crosslinking approach and incorporation of graphene | Ozkan, B. C., & Güner, M. (2024). Adjustable dielectric and bioactivity characteristics of chitosan-based composites via crosslinking approach and incorporation of graphene. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 132125. |
Graphene nanoplatelets with a purity of 99.9 %, size of 3 nm, surface area of 800 m2/g, and diameter of 1.5 μm) | |
Graphene oxide in palladium nanoparticle (GrafeoPlad): a new class of functional materials | Formenti, M., Pagliaro, M., Della Pina, C., & Ciriminna, R. (2024). Graphene oxide in palladium nanoparticle (GrafeoPlad): a new class of functional materials. Green Synthesis and Catalysis. |
GO | |
Optimizing thermal performance of sodium acetate trihydrate phasechange-materials through synergistic effects of binary graphene nanoadditives for prolonged hot beverage maintenance | Kılıçkap Işık, S. (n.d.). Optimizing thermal performance of sodium acetate trihydrate phase-change-materials through synergistic effects of binary graphene nanoadditives for prolonged hot beverage maintenance. Retrieved April 29, 2024, from |
Graphene Oxide, Graphene Nanoplatelet, and hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanoparticles | |
Graphene Oxide (GO)-Based Bioink with Enhanced 3D Printability and Mechanical Properties for Tissue Engineering Applications | Seifalian, A. M., Nedelec, J.-M., Kosowska, K., Korycka, P., Jankowska-Snopkiewicz, K., Gierałtowska, J., Czajka, M., Florys-Jankowska, K., Dec, M., Romanik-Chru, A., Małecki, M., Westphal, K., Wszoła, M., & Klak, M. (2024). Graphene Oxide (GO)-Based Bioink with Enhanced 3D Printability and Mechanical Properties for Tissue Engineering Applications. Nanomaterials 2024, Vol. 14, Page 760, 14(9), 760. | GO 2–5 Layer, Dia: 4.5 µm, SA: 420 m2/g | |
Optimizing thermal performance of sodium acetate trihydrate phasechange-materials through synergistic effects of binary graphene nanoadditives for prolonged hot beverage maintenance | Kılıçkap Işık, S. (n.d.). Optimizing Thermal Performance of Sodium Acetate Trihydrate Phase-Change-Materials Through Synergistic Effects of Binary Graphene Nanoadditives for Prolonged Hot Beverage Maintenance. |
Graphene Oxide, Graphene Nanoplatelet, and hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanoparticles | |
Preparation and characterization of high-performance water-based graphene dispersions for conductive coating on textiles | Çaylak, S., Demirel, O., Javadzadehkalkhoran, M., Navidfar, A., Yaşacan, M., Trabzon, L., C¸aylak, S., & Yas¸acan, Y. (2024). Preparation and characterization of high-performance water-based graphene dispersions for conductive coating on textiles. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 1–9. |
GNP powder having 3 nm in thickness and 1.5 μm | |
A novel approach to detect salbutamol as a doping agent in athletes: A nanoparticle-modified electrode | Zhang, Y. (2024). A novel approach to detect salbutamol as a doping agent in athletes: A nanoparticle-modified electrode. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 96, 185–194. |
Reduced graphene oxide (RGO; 99%) | |
Enhancing Graphene Nanoplatelet Reactivity through Low-Temperature Plasma Modification | Kadela, K., Grzybek, G., Kotarba, A., & Stelmachowski, P. (2024). Enhancing Graphene Nanoplatelet Reactivity through Low-Temperature Plasma Modification. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. | Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs), diameter of 30 μm, a surface area of 135 m2 g–1 with a thickness of 5 nm, and a conductivity in the range of 1.1 and 1.6 × 103 S m–1. | |
Nanographene oxide modified fiber reinforced cementitious composites: Thermomechanical behaviour, environmental analysis and microstructural characterization | Yildirim, P., Erdem, S., & Uysal, M. (2024). Nanographene oxide modified fiber reinforced cementitious composites: Thermomechanical behaviour, environmental analysis and microstructural characterization. Ceramics International. | nanographene oxide (NGO) | |
Incorporation of Graphene Nanoplatelets into Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites in the Presence of Highly Branched Waterborne Polyurethanes | Xu, C.-A., Ay¸se, A., Durmu¸s-Sayar, D., Tansan, M., Gçe Çinko-Çoban, T. ˘, Serttan, D., Dizman, B., Yildiz, M., & Ünal, S. (2024). Incorporation of Graphene Nanoplatelets into Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites in the Presence of Highly Branched Waterborne Polyurethanes. Polymers 2024, Vol. 16, Page 828, 16(6), 828. | Graphene nanoplatelets (purity: 99.9%) (GNPs) with 3 nm of thickness, 1.5 μ diameter, and 800 m2/g specific surface area | |
Improving mechanical behavior of adhesively bonded composite joints by incorporating reduced graphene oxide added polyamide 6,6 electrospun nanofibers | Yeke, M., Barisik, M., Tanoğlu, M., Erdal Ulaşlı, M., Nuhoğlu, K., Esenoğlu, G., Martin, S., Türkdoğan, C., İplikçi, H., Aktaş, E., Dehneliler, S., & Erdem İriş, M. (2024). Improving mechanical behavior of adhesively bonded composite joints by incorporating reduced graphene oxide added polyamide 6,6 electrospun nanofibers. Composite Structures, 337, 118026. | rGO- product code NG01RGO0101 | |
Selective cytotoxic effects of nitrogen-doped graphene coated mixed iron oxide nanoparticles on HepG2 as a new potential therapeutic approach | Demir, Z., Sungur, B., Bayram, E. et al. Selective cytotoxic effects of nitrogen-doped graphene coated mixed iron oxide nanoparticles on HepG2 as a new potential therapeutic approach. Discover Nano 19, 33 (2024). | The commercial graphene | |
Mechanical properties of a carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite improved by integrating multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets | Yuksel E, Eksik O, Haykiri-Acma H, Yaman S. Mechanical properties of a carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite improved by integrating multi-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets. Journal of Composite Materials. 2024;58(7):911-921. doi:10.1177/00219983241230740 | MWCNT and graphene nanoparticles | |
Investigation of a Photovoltaic–Thermal Solar Dryer System with Double-Pass Solar Air Collectors and Absorber Surfaces Enhanced with Graphene Nanoparticles | Öztürk, M., Yüksel, C. & Çiftçi, E. Investigation of a Photovoltaic–Thermal Solar Dryer System with Double-Pass Solar Air Collectors and Absorber Surfaces Enhanced with Graphene Nanoparticles. Arab J Sci Eng (2024). | graphene nanomaterial | |
Assimilation, Digestive Enzyme Activities, and Body Mass in Acheta domesticus | Seyed Alian, R., Flasz, B., Kędziorski, A., Majchrzycki, Ł., & Augustyniak, M. (2024). Concentration- and Time-Dependent Dietary Exposure to Graphene Oxide and Silver Nanoparticles: Effects on Food Consumption and Assimilation, Digestive Enzyme Activities, and Body Mass in Acheta domesticus. Insects, 15(2), 89. |
Graphene oxide (GO) | |
İndüksiyonla sıcak işlemin Si3N4 ve grafen takviyeli Al6061 matrisli kompozitlerin mekanik ve tribolojik özelliklerine olan etkisi | ŞENEL, M. C., TAŞKIN, A., DEMİR, M., & GÜRBÜZ, M. (2023). İndüksiyonla sıcak işlemin Si3N4 ve grafen takviyeli Al6061 matrisli kompozitlerin mekanik ve tribolojik özelliklerine olan etkisi. Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 39(3), 1567–1582. | Al6061, Si3N4 ve grafen nano tabaka tozları | |
Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Enzyme Inhibition-Based Biosensor System for Detection of Paraoxon as a Nerve Agent Simulant | Yildirim-Tirgil, N., & Ozel, M. T. (2024). Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Enzyme Inhibition-Based Biosensor System for Detection of Paraoxon as a Nerve Agent Simulant. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1–13. | Reduced graphene oxide | |
Polyethylene Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanofillers: Similarities and Differences and New Insight on Cavitation in Tensile Drawing | Rahmanian, V., Galeski, A., & Rozanski, A. (2024). Polyethylene Nanocomposites with Carbon Nanofillers: Similarities and Differences and New Insight on Cavitation in Tensile Drawing. Macromolecules. | Graphene nanoplatelets with 99.9% purity, 2.26 g/cm3 density, and 5 nm thickness and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) with 99.9% purity, 1.7 g/cm3 density, and 0.5–2 nm thickness | |
Investigating heat exchanger tube performance: second law efficiency analysis of a novel combination of two heat transfer enhancement techniques | Mertaslan, O.M., Keklikcioglu, O. Investigating heat exchanger tube performance: second law efficiency analysis of a novel combination of two heat transfer enhancement techniques. J Therm Anal Calorim (2024). | GnP and Fe3O4 | |
Adsorbent Olarak Grafen Oksit Kullanılarak Metal Kaplama Atıksuyunda Nikel (II) Giderimi | Akdemi̇r, A., & Cemre KILIÇ, F. (2024). Adsorbent Olarak Grafen Oksit Kullanılarak Metal Kaplama Atıksuyunda Nikel (II) Giderimi. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 14(1), 115–124. | Grafen Oksit | |