Chromium (Cr) Sputtering Targets, Purity: 99.95%, Size: 4'', Thickness: 0.250''
- SKU:
- NG0ST01CH20
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Chromium (Cr) Sputtering Targets
Purity: 99.95%, Size: 4'', Thickness: 0.250''
Sputtering is a proven technology capable of depositing thin films from a wide variety of materials on to diverse substrate shapes and sizes.
The process with sputter targets is repeatable and can be scaled up from small research and development projects. The proses with sputter
targets can be adapted to the production batches involving medium to large substrate areas. The chemical reaction can occur on the target
surface, in-flight or on the substrate depending on the process parameters. The many parameters make sputter deposition a complex process
but allow experts a large degree of control over the growth and microstructure of the area.
Applications of Sputtering Targets;
- Sputtering targets is used for film deposition. The deposition made by sputter targets is a method of depositing thin films by sputtering
that involves eroding material from a "target" source onto a "substrate" such as a silicon wafer. - Semiconductor sputtering targets is used to etch the target. Sputter etching is chosen in cases where a high degree of etching anisotropy
is needed and selectivity is not a concern. - Sputter targets is also used for analysis by etching away the target material.
One of the example occurs in secondary ion spectroscopy (SIMS), where the target sample is sputtered at a constant rate. As the target is sputtered,
the concentration and identity of sputtered atoms are measured using mass spectrometry. By helping of the sputtering target, the composition of the
target material can be determined and even extremely low concentrations of impurities are detected.
Sputtering target has also application area in space. Sputtering is one of the forms of space weathering, a process that changes the physical and
chemical properties of airless bodies, such as asteroids and the Moon.
Chromium is a silvery, lustrous, hard, and brittle metal known for its high mirror polish and corrosion resistance. Chromium sputtering targets find a
large usage area in automobile industry. To form a shiny coating found on wheels and bumpers chromium sputtering targets are good materials. In
many vacuum applications like automotive glass coatings chromium sputtering targets can be used. Chromium has high resistance to corrosion and
this property makes chromium sputtering targets suitable to obtain corrosion resistance coatings. In industry hard material coatings obtained by
chromium sputtering targets optimally protect engine components such as piston rings against premature wear and consequently extend the useful
life of important engine parts.
Chromium sputtering targets also find usage areas in photovoltaic cell fabrication and battery fabrication. As a summary, when we look at the whole
applications where chromium sputtering targets are used we see that they are used in various technologies for the physical deposition of thin films
and functional coatings (the PVD method) in the production of electronic components, displays and tools; in the vacuum chroming of watches, parts
of household appliances, the working surfaces of hydro-pneumcylinders, slide valves, piston rods, tinted glass, mirrors, car parts and accessories,
and other machines and devices.