​A New Phase in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene and High-Temperature Superconductivity

​A New Phase in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene and High-Temperature Superconductivity

New Phase in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene and High-Temperature Superconductivity

Vahid Javan Kouzegaran

Analytical Chemist (Ph.D.) / Nanografi Nano Technology

In recent collaborative research published on Nature magazine, a three-fold rotational symmetry breaking was reported in moiré nematic graphene, the twisted double bilayer graphene resulting in “correlated electronic phases” (CEP). The moiré pattern gives rise to a large unit cell and forms flat bands near the Fermi level. In the newly published study, graphene with irregularly aligned parallel hexagonal superlattices has been found to exhibit energy gaps as flat bands specifically due to strong electron-electron interactions.

In CEPs, charge, spin, orbital and lattice degrees of freedom result in competing interactions which in turn, lead to phase transitions and the emergence of exotic phases including manganites & high-temperature superconductivity, charge stripes in cuprates, even phase separation in some manganites and cuprates. Superconductivity, for example, is one the most critical areas of research and technology today which is particularly obtained at cryogenic temperatures of around -270℃ (3 K) when Cooper pairs are formed through the entanglement of so many pairs of electrons. However, maintaining these cryogenic temperatures for long time intervals is too challenging. Superconductors are one of the main building blocks of quantum computers which are 100 million times faster than conventional computers.Quantum computers are expected to revolutionize digital technology, data analysis, robotics, machine learning, the Internet, and blockchain technology.

60 Uses of Graphene

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11th Apr 2022 Vahid Javan Kouzegaran

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