Graphene is the Word in Bionic Technology: EGNITE
Neuroprosthetic technologies have made significant advancements in
recent years to enhance the quality of life for individuals experiencing loss
of motor and sensory functions. Developing devices that can record and
stimulate nerve signals by directly connecting to the nervous system is at the
heart of these advancements. Graphene and carbon nanomaterials play a crucial
role in this process, with innovative materials like EGNITE (Engineered
Graphene for Neural Interface) offering potential
25th Oct 2024
Cellulose Nanofibers
occurs abundantly and naturally as raw material on Earth amounting billions of
tons made by many different plant species. Technically, cellulose is a cheap,
light-weight, thermally stable organic compound and one of the most common
agents to meet the standards of sustainable chemistry since it is naturally
biodegradable as well as renewable. Within plants, cellulose fibers are
produced by microfibrils that are highly crystalline entity.Introduction In the past years,
8th May 2020