Applications of Carbon Nanotubes in Water Purification
Carbon nanotubes are cylindrical molecules that consist of carbon atoms that are present in the form of sheets. They can either be single-walled or multi-walled depending upon the type and number of nanotubes involved. Carbon nanotubes exhibit excellent properties and characteristics owing to which they have a tremendous number of applications. Water purification is one of the major things that is associated with carbon nanotubes. The entire process is carried out critically so that the carbon n
25th Jul 2022
Application Areas of Nanotechnology in Display and Communication Technology
The use of nanotechnology allows electronics to be faster, smaller, and more portable. It increases the power of electronic devices, improves the density of memory chips, and helps reduce power consumption and the size of transistors used in integrated circuits.Nanotechnology plays a key role in communication engineering and has a wide array of applications. The use of nanotechnology can affect the telecommunications industry in numerous ways.This paperprovides an insight into some of the latest
27th May 2022
Nanotechnology Applications in Daily Life
Over the past 10-15 years, nanotechnology has become an integral part of human everyday life. Nanoparticles are used in various industries, including the food industry, pharmacology, medicine, and cosmetology, and are part of widely used dietary supplements, hygiene, and packaging products.Nanotechnology, with its atomic-scale capabilities that drive much of the dynamics of the natural and physical world, has the potential to make unprecedented advances in human history. In this article, we will
5th May 2022
Carbon Nanotube Composite Electrodes for Fuel Cell Applications
A fuel cell is one of the forms of an electrochemical cell where the process of conversion of chemical energy into electricity. This entire process is carried out via redox reactions. These cannot be called batteries as they vary from the batteries because they are capable of producing continuous electricity in the long run until the supply of fuel and oxygen is limited. Carbon nanotube composite electrodes are highly essential for fuel cell applications owing to the excellent properti
6th Apr 2022
Carbon Nanotube Fibers
From the stone ages to modern history, new materials have often been the enablers of revolutionary technologies. For a wide variety of envisioned applications in space exploration, energy-efficient aircraft, and armor, materials must be significantly stronger, stiffer, and lighter than what is currently available. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have extremely high strength, very high stiffness, low density, good chemical stability, and high thermal and electrical conductivities. These superior pro
3rd Dec 2020