Beyond the Potential: Polymer Materials in Nanotechnology
In the rapidly developing field of nanotechnology, the use of polymer materials has revolutionised and paved the way for innovative solutions. With their unique properties and adaptability, these polymers have become an essential component in the development of advanced technological devices. So what makes them so indispensable for nanotechnology?Polymers are crucial in nanotechnology because of their versatility and tunable properties. Their ability to be designed for specific functions makes t
29th Aug 2024
Graphene Nanoribbons
Modern nanotechnology is a miracle of science, technology, and
engineering and its several different structures have already found their uses
in thousands of applications. Graphene nanoribbons are among one of the most
famous nanostructures. The edge magnetism is the most remarkable property of
the graphene nanoribbons. At the same time, it is also a very difficult task to
preserve edge magnetism. Several techniques have been used in this regard such
as preservation through iodine ter
12th Apr 2021
Analyzed: Silicon Dioxide
Silicon dioxide
(SiO2), commonly called silica, is a compound formed by a molecule
of silicon and two of oxygen, linked by a covalent bond. It is usually white or
colorless and is not soluble in water or ethanol. By associating with minerals
it forms the family of silicates. It appears as a compound in the sand and is
one of the components of quartz. Silicon dioxide has several industrial
applications that include its use as an additive in the food industry, it
appears in the list of food
13th Feb 2020
Nanografi's Horizon 2020 SME Instrument winner project: GREENGRAPHENE
Nanografi Company was
awarded with Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 1 grant by European Union to
launch one of the largest Graphene Manufacturing Plants in the world with its patent
pending eco-friendly and cost efficient production method (GREENGRAPHENE).With
its disruptive innovation of GREENGRAPHENE, Nanografi has applied for European Commission’s Horizon 2020 SME Instrument programme, a highly competitive and
reputable fund aiming to increase Europe’s global competitiveness, and
2nd May 2019