What is the Role of Nanomaterials in Catalysis?
Catalysis is a fundamental
process in chemistry that accelerates chemical reactions by providing an
alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy. The
introduction of nanomaterials into the field of catalysis has significantly
advanced this discipline, leveraging the unique properties of nanoparticles to
enhance catalytic efficiency and selectivity.This article comprehensively examines the principles of catalysis, its historical development, and the innovative applications of
13th Aug 2024
How to Use Platinum Nanoparticles in Catalyst Applications For Fuel Cells
A fuel cell is a form of cell that is capable of converting chemical energy into electricity, all by a series of redox reactions that are carried out by the fuel cell itself. These fuel cells comprise an anode, an electrolyte, and a cathode which then take part in the redox reactions to produce the desired outcome.Fuel cells have different types and variations owing to the different characteristics and features that these cells are capable of exhibiting. The incorporation of platinum nanoparticl
22nd Apr 2022
Platinum Sputtering Targets and Applications
Platinum sputtering and thin film coatings have properties
practically close to those of bulk metals with appropriate adhesion quality to
solid substates. The sputtered platinum thin films are particularly employed in
solar cells, micro fabrication of solid oxide fuel cell, porous platinum thin
films and electrodes in micro-electrochemical devices. The elemental platinum
is regarded an important metal and material with substantiable applications in
electronics in nano and micro scales know
16th Mar 2020
A Player Across the Field: Platinum Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles of platinum have an important role in
various fields. The most important of them being the energy and medicine
industries. Readily exploited properties of platinum are enhanced through
nanotechnology to increase the efficiency of its applications. Fuel cells,
biosensors, and medical treatments have been greatly affected by the
development of Pt-based nanoparticles.What is Platinum?Platinum was discovered in South America
before Columbus and its name is derived from the Spanis
24th Feb 2020