Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) Properties and Applications
Molybdenum disulfide, also known as MoS2, is one of the best materials initially belonging to the transition metals.Its structure is unique hence all the properties it possesses are unique. The building block of MoS2 is its properties as they are the key players in enhancing the productivity of the materials. Its applications being vast and abundant in nature help in maintaining the credibility of this material. However, MoS2 is an excellent material for various purposes and various in
4th Nov 2021
MoS2 Applications on Anti-friction Coatings
MoS2 is basically the chemical formula of molybdenum disulfide which is a compound known to be a transition metal dichalcogenide having a blackish and silvery appearance. MoS2 is one of the categories of dry lubricants as it exhibits low frictional properties. It has various categories in its properties as well and all of those are excellent contributors to the enhancement of the applications of MoS2. Due to the remarkable properties that it exhibits, it has several applications in the
13th Oct 2021