Iron Oxide Fe2O3 Magnetic Powder
Iron oxide or ferric oxide with the formula of Fe2O3
is an inorganic compound known to be one of the three main oxides of iron
occurring naturally in a mineral called magnetite.Iron oxide has a unique supermagnetic property
with an easy separation method when applied as suspension in solutions and
applications in biomedical, agricultural and environmental sectors. Nanografi leverages the remarkable properties of iron oxide powder to innovate and enhance various nanotechnology-base
22nd Dec 2020
Paramagnetic Nanoparticles - Nanografi Blog
So far, a lot
of applications have been introduced for paramagnetic nanoparticles including
in cancer therapy and diagnostics. The progress in nanotechnology and efficient
synthesis methods have enhanced the performance of paramagnetic materials and
agents. As we delve deeper into the world of nanotechnology, the remarkable progress in efficient synthesis methods and the enhanced performance of paramagnetic materials are paving the way for groundbreaking applications. To explore the cut
29th Apr 2020