Graphite Nanoparticles and Nanopowder
Graphite is the crystalline form of carbon occurring naturally in the
form of a black powder considered as the most stable form of carbon under
standard conditions. Graphite nanoparticles have drawn attention because of
their applications as additives in lubricants, nuclear power plants,
electrodes, etc.Vahid Javan KouzegaranAnalytical Chemist (Ph.D.) / Nanografi Nano Technology IntroductionGraphite exhibits excellent lubrication characteristics
employed as a solid lubrication agent i
7th Jan 2021
Sputtering Process in Nanotechnology
Sputtering is a process through which microscopic
particles of a target material get ejected from its surface after the
bombardment of energetic ions of gas or gaseous plasma. Momentum exchange
between atoms and ions of the element causes sputtering. There are several
sputtering techniques such as DC diode sputtering, RF radio sputtering, and
magnetron sputtering are the most popular and widely used sputtering processes.
It is a widely used technology in modern-day engineering to prod
5th Jan 2021
Anti-Corrosive Nanocoatings
nanocoatings offer fine solutions to the corrosion related risks and failures.
The unique properties of nanoscale systems and nanoparticles provide enhanced
corrosion prevention, resistance, and lighter application. Anti-corrosive
nanocoatings can be metallic, ceramic, or composite. These coatings are
utilized on machinery, everyday items, building materials, spacecraft,
automotive, and aircraft parts. For those seeking state-of-the-art materials, Nanografi provide
29th Dec 2020
Iron Oxide Fe2O3 Magnetic Powder
Iron oxide or ferric oxide with the formula of Fe2O3
is an inorganic compound known to be one of the three main oxides of iron
occurring naturally in a mineral called magnetite.Iron oxide has a unique supermagnetic property
with an easy separation method when applied as suspension in solutions and
applications in biomedical, agricultural and environmental sectors. Nanografi leverages the remarkable properties of iron oxide powder to innovate and enhance various nanotechnology-base
22nd Dec 2020
Applications of Praseodymium Oxide
This article
focuses on one of the Earth's rare metal which falls under the lanthanide group
in the periodic table. Praseodymium Greek meaning is a green twin. It is a
metal that is malleable. When exposed with air, Praseodymium turns into
praseodymium oxide. In all the processes that make Praseodymium oxide,
calcination is done in all of them. The physical properties of prepared
nanoparticles depend strongly on conditions of calcination. Pr6O11
has a cubic fluorite structure of a cr
21st Dec 2020