How to Identify Fake Graphene?
Graphene is the
newborn superstar of materials sciences. Hence the characterization,
classification, production, and utilization of graphene and graphene based
products have been at the center of attention in the last few decades. The
potential properties of this wonder material have been theorized and simulated
in several different studies. However, achieving these properties has been a
challenge due to the problems in achieving pristine graphene flakes. The
production process of gr
16th Dec 2020
Explained Nickel Foil
The nickel foil is fabricated by a process called continuous
electrodeposition through which, a foil with a consistent quality is produced in greater dimensions and lower
thicknesses compared to that prepared by conventional metal rolling. Vahid Javan KouzegaranAnalytical Chemist (Ph.D.) / Nanografi Nano TechnologyIntroductionTechnically,
the nickel foil that is electroformed has favorable chemical purity, consistent
and excellent surface finish as well as desirable etching characteris
14th Dec 2020
Cellulose Suspension Applications
In the 21st
century, when humans become aware of environmental conservation, applications
of renewable resources become more and more important for their daily life
since they are friendly to nature. Nanotechnology, in the recent years, has
gotten huge interest in many industries and nanotechnology has opened up for
many new possibilities, such as in the forest industry and cellulose-based
products.Introduction Nanotechnology is defined as the understanding and control of matter
11th Dec 2020
Graphene Water Filtration
Graphene is a material obtained
by exfoliation of graphite. It consists of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal
pattern and forms sheets as thin as atoms. Graphene has, among other
characteristics, to be an extremely effective water filter. A graphene water
filter is very effective. The graphene water filter is considerably more
efficient than water filters on the market since the quantity of pure water
that this new type of filter can produce is 8 to 9 times greater than that of
10th Dec 2020
Antimony Tin Oxide Nanoparticles
Antimony doped tin oxide (ATO) nanoparticles have been proven to
exhibit special optical property and excellent electrical conductivity to be
used as thin film electrodes. Studies have shown that antimony doped tin oxide
possesses a high n-type electric performance and employed in the form of the
traditionally produced aerogel thin films for the purpose of collecting
electrons in solar cells.Vahid Javan KouzegaranAnalytical Chemist (Ph.D.) / Nanografi Nano TechnologyIntroduction Introd
5th Dec 2020