DNA-based Nanotechnology & Nanodevices
allow us to take advantage of biological, magnetic, electronic, and mechanical
systems' technological potential. Nanoparticles are used in the design and
production of devices at the nanolevel. These nanodevices play a critical role
in the semiconductor industry, and there is a growing demand for them.Devices
produced at the nanoscale have a greater impact on human health, energy
consumption, environmental control, and many other areas. Designers,
researchers, and end-users of
2nd May 2022
Enhancing Thermal Energy Storage with Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are those elements that are present on a nanometric scale which means it is below nm in either one of its dimension. They are known as nanoparticles because of the size that they hold which is equal to the size of a grain and has a very high fraction as well. The natural production of nanoparticles is done by many geological, cosmological, meteorological, and biological processes. They have different properties but the most common one is their mobility. They are highly mobile in th
25th Apr 2022
Synthesis and Application Areas of Cerium Oxide (CeO2)
Nanoparticles have been playing a major role in making lives easier for humans and strengthening the role of industries throughout the world. Over the course of the past few years, nanoparticles have progressed so much that now they are being used in almost every field and are flourishing in it like anything. Cerium oxide nanoparticles are one of the rarest earth metal particles that are now being used for multiple purposes but excelling rapidly in the field of biomedical sciences. Their pr
18th Mar 2022
Barium Titanate Nanoparticles
Barium titanate is perovskite material as it has relatively high permittivity and the ferroelectric properties that it possesses are excellent too. These play a major role in developing the credibility of the material. These nanoparticles are highly expert in carrying out different applications all of which are extremely useful and play a major role in paving the way for this material to reach the heights of success. Their properties and characteristics are excessively excellent as they manifest
6th Sep 2021
Boron Nitride Nanoparticles
Nanoparticles, being the tiniest particles yet doing wonders in the industry are considered as one of the most used and profound particles. Boron nitride nanoparticles are one of the types of these nanoparticles. BNNs are highly exceptional materials that are vastly being used in various fields. Their properties and characteristics make them unique and visibly excellent in the field of work that they are a part of. All these applications are paving way for the BNNs towards success as they a
31st Aug 2021