8 Sustainable Applications of Nanoclays
Nanoclays are the form of mineral silicates present in the form of nanoparticles which make them so small that they cannot be seen with a naked eye and instead a microscope is used. However, the characteristics and properties of these nanoclays make them exceptional products to be used in the industry. Nanoclays have a lot of sustainable applications and eight out of them are explained in this article.All these applications are promoting the industry towards success as they not only help in diff
27th Aug 2021
Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles
Tungsten oxide nanoparticles are oxide particles having high surface area and are capable of showcasing magnetic properties. This happens when tungsten oxide is presented in the form of nanoparticles that are extremely tiny that they are observed with a microscope.IntroductionThe Nanoparticles field is progressing rapidly day by day and bringing various advancements in each field that it is associated with. A lot of common applications of tungsten oxide nanoparticles are being incorporated in da
9th Aug 2021
What is The Lotus Effect in Detail? An Example of SiO2 and Other Hydrophobic Materials
The Lotus effect means the self-cleaning properties of the lotus flower that come out as a result of ultra-hydrophobicity. In this method, all the dirt particles are extracted out by water droplets because of the miniature work done on the surface as a result of which the adhesion of droplets is minimized.However, these properties are not only found in this flower but a few other flowers as well. They have a huge impact on the factors in which they play a role despite being at a certain level. T
26th Jul 2021
Water Purification and Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is known to be a research field that is related to the making of such devices which are based upon either atoms or molecules. The nanoparticles or materials that are involved in nanotechnology are so small that they cannot be seen with a naked eye and rather microscopes are used to observe them. Nanomaterials are now taking place of conventional materials for treatment of water.IntroductionDespite their size being so small, they possess outstanding properties as a result of which
15th Jul 2021
Nanotechnology in Agriculture
The improvement in
agriculture is crucial for the resolving of problems that comes with increasing
food consumption. Nanotechnology offers promising results in the improvement of
key aspects in agriculture such as soil quality, agrochemical efficiency,
environmental protection, and animal production efficiency. Introduction
The global population has been
rapidly increasing each year and has reached 7.8 billion as of July 2020 with
59% living in Asia. This number is expected to reach 9.
25th Aug 2020