Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
In the realm of nanotechnology, magnesium oxide (MgO) nanoparticles have emerged as a subject of immense interest due to their unique physical and chemical properties. These nanoparticles, with dimensions measured in nanometers, exhibit characteristics that are not found in their bulk counterparts, leading to potential applications in various fields including catalysis, energy, and environmental remediation. The burgeoning research into MgO nanoparticles is driven by their high thermal stab
10th May 2024
Improving Water and Air Treatment with Nanotechnology
Pollution in the environment is considered as one of the most critical issues that have kept environmental activists, scientists, research groups, environmental projects, NGOs, and governments busy in order to find solutions to mitigate the problem of life-threatening pollution in the air and water. Environmental contamination is expanding day by day leaving unprecedented damage and harmful effects on Earth's crust. The main pollutants of the environment are volatile organic compounds, nitrogen
30th Dec 2022
Graphene-Based Materials for Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater treatment is an important topic concerning the sustainability of clean water resources and human health. Research shows that graphene and GO are promising adsorbent materials for the removal of organic and inorganic water pollutants. IntroductionGraphene-based wastewater treatment systems should be developed considering the properties of adsorbent, contaminant, background solution, and adsorbent regeneration. Water is the most fundamental material on Earth essential for surv
16th Jul 2021
Use of Graphene in Water Filtration
Access to clean water is a critical objective within the United Nations' sustainable development framework. To meet this global challenge, innovative solutions in water purification are urgently needed. One promising advancement lies in the application of graphene technology. Graphene, discovered in 2004, has revolutionized water filtration by enabling membrane-based purification without chemical processes. This material, composed of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb structure, exhi
12th Jul 2019