Nano and Micro Materials for A Sustainable Green World: Nano Cellulose Example
Nanomaterials are those
materials which are present on a nanometric scale which means it is below nm in
either one of its dimension. They are known as nanomaterials because of the
size that they hold which is equal to the size of a grain and has a very high
fraction as well. IntroductionThe natural production of nanomaterials is done by many
geological, cosmological, meteorological, and biological processes. Green
Nanotechnology is for supporting sustainability by using the green nano
14th Sep 2020
Lighter than Air: Aero-Graphenes or Graphene Aerogels
based aerogels or Aero-Graphene are the only 3D materials which are light
weight than air. Aero-Graphene is the least dense solid ever made. Due to the
remarkable properties, like, electrical conductivity, high mechanical power and
also, thermal resistance, a lot of interest is gained towards them, currently. This review, covers the information on Graphene Aerogel, the application fields
for instance in storing energy, protecting environment, electrochemical sensors
and, supe
10th Sep 2020
Following the Natures Lead: Lotus Effect Self-Cleaning
Lotus effect is a coined
term for self-cleaning properties. The excellent water repellency and
self-cleaning ability of lotus leaves have inspired the construction of manmade
self-cleaning surfaces. The lotus effect is based on the micro/nano-structures creating
roughness on the surface and the hydrophobic wax coating on the lotus leave.These features make it difficult for dirt, dust, and water to adhere to the surface, helping to keep it clean. Such self-cleaning surfaces are utilized in va
2nd Sep 2020
Explained: Cellulose Nanofibers
Due to the
pressures of a growing population and rapid growth in materials research,
manufacturing demands have resulted in unsustainable use of petrochemical
resources which in turn have contributed greatly to global pollution and climate
change. In today’s more eco-conscious society, environmentally friendly
biopolymers present a sustainable alternative to fossil-based resources.Introduction In
this regard, cellulose is the main component of lignocellulosic biomass and is
the most
31st Aug 2020
Chemical Vapor Deposition CVD Graphene
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has emerged as one of the most efficient
techniques to design and fabricate graphene thin films with high quality and
large area and applications in electronic transistors,
corrosion coatings, transparent conductors and so on.
The most satisfactory outcomes concerning the large volume and largest are
chemical vapor deposition graphene is achieved taking the advantage of highly
qualified substrates such as copper, cobalt and nickel designed mainly to
26th Aug 2020