Nanotechnology in Agriculture
The improvement in
agriculture is crucial for the resolving of problems that comes with increasing
food consumption. Nanotechnology offers promising results in the improvement of
key aspects in agriculture such as soil quality, agrochemical efficiency,
environmental protection, and animal production efficiency. Introduction
The global population has been
rapidly increasing each year and has reached 7.8 billion as of July 2020 with
59% living in Asia. This number is expected to reach 9.
25th Aug 2020
Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Sponges
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are nanoscale, strong and hollow
cylinders which shows excellent mechanical and electrical properties. Based on
their orientation and configuration in the structure, they can be used in many
practical applications such as supercapacitors, catalytic electrodes, flexible
heaters, superhydrophobic coatings, biomimetic surfaces, artificial muscles,
and integrated microelectromechanical systems. IntroductionThese different forms of CNTs
can be vertically aligned arr
24th Aug 2020
Using Nanotechnology to Identify those Most at Risk from COVID-19
It’s now obvious that the pandemic of COVID-19 is the number one concern
for everyone from all over the world as the surge of Coronavirus has led to the
closedown of proactive closure of schools and universities and the lockdown of
many cities in all four corners of the world. Furthermore, many scientific
conferences have been called off and the global economy has seriously been
affected due to the consequences of the outbreak. Vahid Javan KouzegaranAnalytical Chemist (Ph.D.) / Nanogra
21st Aug 2020
Carbon Nanofibers
nanofibers (CNF) are noncontinuous, sp2-based linear filaments. In this
article, a review is provided on carbon nanofiber's growth, properties, and
practical applications. CNFs can be synthesized majorly via catalytic chemical
vapor deposition (CVD). Carbon nanofibers show flexibility, super
strength, and high specific area because of their nanosized diameter, which
enables them to be applied in energy storage devices' electrode materials, bone
tissue scaffold, filler in
12th Aug 2020
Review on Nanoclays and their Applications
Nanoclays are basically composed of layered silicates as thin as 1 to 100
nanometers stacked on each other with predominant applications in biomedicine
as bone cement, drug delivery, tissue engineering, wound healing and enzyme
immobilization. They play a key role in increasing the performance of potential
hydrogels which are widely used in bioprinting. Vahid Javan KouzegaranAnalytical Chemist (Ph.D.) / Nanografi Nano TechnologyIntroductionUp to this point, a lot of efforts have be
6th Aug 2020