Lithium hexafluorophosphate - Nanografi Blog
As an environment-friendly compound and thermally stable salt, Lithium hexafluorophosphate
(LiPF6) is a white crystalline powder soluble in non-aqueous polar
solvents such as N,N’-dimethylformamide (DMF) and acetonitrile (AN) used extensively
in manufacturing lithium-ion batteries for commercial purposes 12. The thermal
stability of this inorganic conductive salt at temperatures of at least 80˚C up
to 200 ˚C is mainly in the absence of water supporting the non-aqueous
chemistry it has 3.Cl
16th Apr 2020
Uses of Graphene Sheet Films - Nanografi Blog
Graphene sheet films, just like graphene, are two-dimensional graphite with a lot of useful properties. Graphene sheet, Pyrolytic Graphite Sheets, and graphene have similar atomic structure with graphite, a single layer of carbon atoms with a hexagonal configuration. Graphene sheets can be obtained via numerous way. This article will discuss the graphene sheet films's properties, ways to synthesize them, and their applications.Click Image to Find out more about Graphene in this compreh
15th Apr 2020
Nanotechnological Viewpoint in COVID-19 Treatment
The world is
now under the invasion of the highly lethal infectious Coronavirus overtly and
covertly with more than one and a half million infected and thousands of officially
confirmed death cases. The announcement of COVID-19 as a global pandemic after
the shift in the epicenter of the outbreak and the consequent state of
emergency in almost all four corners of the world have obliged most research
projects across the world and high profile universities to be suspended in
order to find t
14th Apr 2020
Iron Spherical Powder FE - Nanografi Blog
Iron Spherical Powder is composed of high purity iron having exceptional
electromagnetic properties due to which they are used in power injection
molding, electronics, radiation shielding, and sensors. In this article, we will
discuss all Iron.Iron is a natural element that
appears in the periodic table between the transition elements. It is represented
by the chemical symbol Fe and has atomic number 26 and atomic weight 55.847. It
looks like a metallic solid with a silvery-white color.Con
13th Apr 2020
Application Areas of Hydrogels - Nanografi Blog
Hydrogels are polymer networks with
excellent absorption and swelling properties. In addition to their physical
properties, their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and environmentally
friendly nature are extremely important for applications. Hydrogels are used
for medical applications such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, diagnostics,
and optical lenses. They are also utilized as coatings, in electronic and optic
applications.Before Continue Check Our Other Article: Hydrogels Explai
10th Apr 2020