Gallium Arsenide Wafers - Nanografi Blog
arsenide (GaAs) and its commercially available form, Gallium Arsenide Wafers,
is a direct bandgap semiconductor type III-V with extensive applications in
manufacturing integrated circuits microwave used in frequency diodes capable of
emitting infrared light, solar cell, laser diodes and integrated circuits for
monolithic microwave. Generally, gallium arsenide is employed as a platform or
a substrate for semiconductors in an epitaxial pattern. Technically, gallium
arsenide serves t
9th Apr 2020
Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Nanopowder - Nanografi Blog
Lead zirconate
titanate (PZT) and its nanoscale crystals are known as the most common
ferroelectric inorganic compounds employed as piezoelectric materials with the highest
coupling coefficient between its mechanical and electrical properties. Lead
zirconate and titanate appears to have a morphotropic phase boundary at molar
ratio fraction ranging from 0.4 to 0.6 supporting its sample processing setting
and compositional homogeneity 1. The morphotropic phase
boundary is a point where the
8th Apr 2020
Indium Tin Oxide Film (ITO) - Nanografi Blog
Indium Tin Oxide is a mixture of indium and tin. The typical composition by
weight is 90% In2O3 and 10% SnO2. It is,
therefore, indium oxide where a small fraction of indium atoms is replaced by
tin atoms: we can say that it is indium oxide doped with tin. We will discuss
all about it in this article.Metals are of great importance in
all areas of society, among them, Indium and Tin also stand out. Indium Tin
Oxide has huge significance due to its unique properties which open the door
7th Apr 2020
COVID-19 and Nanotechnology - Nanografi Blog
Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues to halt a big part of operations in the world. From manufacture to service sector a lot of domains in public health and economy have been affected. There are test, vaccine, and treatment researches all around world while time is ticking. However, answer might be in nanotechnology to find COVID-19 test, or to develop a vaccine for coronavirus. Below, we discussed the possible nanotechnological contribution to halt novel Coronavirus.Click Image to Reach Our Other
6th Apr 2020
Explained: Metal Organic Frameworks - Nanografi Blog
Metal organic frameworks have
attracted great attention in the last decades. Their tunable porous crystalline
structure is nothing like previously constructed materials. This novel
structure provides various different application opportunities for the
industry. Riveting magnetic, optical, thermal, catalytic, and adsorption
properties are attained through different synthesis methods and conditions.
Important application areas of MOFs can be listed as gas adsorption, separation
and storage,
3rd Apr 2020