Uses of Nanocalcite
The development of nanotechnology has also increased the
growth and development of Nanocalcite, which is an element or material that
helps to restore and improve various industrial areas such as pharmaceuticals,
dentistry, and more. At this point, it is important to understand the
definition and scope of Nanocalcite. It is the term used to describe a chemical
compound represented by the formula CaCO³ which comprises three vital
elements, that is, carbon, oxygen, and calcium. Star
20th Sep 2019
Titanium Carbide Nanoparticles: History, Properties, Synthesis, Applications
Titanium carbide
is the binary compound and is an extremely hard refractory ceramic material (
Mohs 9-9.5) similar to tungsten carbide. It is the only carbide in the titanium
- carbon system. Like Tungsten Carbide (WC) and Tantalum Carbide (TaC), it is also
an important component of cemented carbides used for cutting tools. In
addition, titanium carbide is gray in color. The nanoparticles of Titanium
Carbide have large surface area and are more effective in terms of pro
19th Sep 2019
Differences between Alpha and Gamma Alumina nanoparticles
In simple terms, nanoparticles are basically
elements within the size of 1-100 nanometers (nm), and which are surrounded by
an interfacial layer. The aforementioned layer forms a crucial aspect of the scale
matter with a major impact on all its properties. The layer basically comprises
ions, organic and inorganic elements. In the scientific field, nanoparticles
are the most sought-after areas as they form a wide gap between large materials
and molecular substances. Generally, nanoparticles
16th Sep 2019
Tungsten: Discovery, Types, Products, Applications
Tungsten is a matte silver-colored metal
with the highest melting point of pure metals. Tungsten is more resistant to
breakage than diamond and is much harder than steel. It is indicated by the
symbol W and has an atomic number of -74. In Mendeleev's periodic table, it is
in the sixth group, it has similar properties with the "neighbors" –
molybdenum and chromium. It has the unique properties of refractory metal - its
strength and ability to withstand high temperatures - that make it ideal
13th Sep 2019
Shape Memory Polymers: Properties, Production, Types, Uses, Examples
Shape Memory Polymer
belongs to the class of smart materials and are defined as those polymers that
have the ability to return from a deformed state (temporary shape) to that
original (permanent form) through an external stimulus. By modifying their
three-dimensional structure in response to precise external stimuli, shape
memory polymers allow the creation of devices with complex and miniaturized
morphologies. Although the shape memory metal alloys were the first to be developed,
the evo
13th Sep 2019